dClimate: Unlocking the Power of Data to Advance Climate Action
If you are new to dClimate or just need a refresher on what we do, here is a quick overview.

dClimate is revolutionizing the way that businesses, governments, and individuals access climate information. The platform connects global users with institutional-grade data and risk models to create powerful solutions for tackling climate change resiliently–all on an immutable ledger that indexes and organizes Earth’s entire environmental record. Now everyone has a shot at advancing verifiable action globally, unlocking new potential in combating the most pressing challenge of our time.
The Challenge of Working with Climate Data
Climatology is no joke–the fate of our planet can often hinge on the study and analysis of global climate data. But getting this information in a usable form has traditionally been an expensive, frustrating experience. With siloed datasets locked behind pricey paywalls, which are often hard to parse because they take the form of raw data, entrepreneurs have found it understandably difficult to factor into their product development cycles variables such as temperature, moisture levels or wind speed. Fortunately, some governments provide free access to high-quality climate info–if you know where to look! But often that data still needs massaging to render it into something manageable.

We’ve all heard of the obstacles facing anyone attempting to get their hands on useful climate data — i.e., it’s hard to access and to rank the quality of one dataset versus another.
That’s where dClimate comes in.
Unlocking the Power of Data to Advance Climate Action
We provide a user-friendly platform designed for those looking to share or seek out climatic information: researchers, academics, and data scientists can choose to publish their information for free or earn money from doing so.
Data consumers can now quickly access a vast trove of institutional-grade climate data, with the help of an intuitive search engine. Just click a few buttons and you’ll be well on your way to discovering the secrets of our planet! Our marketplace not only makes this critical information freely available as a public good but also opens up new possibilities for research and collaboration. We’re putting together what we call “the truth layer” for our planet — an immutable ledger full of comprehensive global predictions that will grow ever more insightful over time, all backed by countless contributors joining forces to advance verifiable climate action.

Data is the key to unlocking a multitude of paths for facing climate change head-on. A global response requires not only agreement on the scope and extent of this issue, but also reliable access to data, models, and forecasting that can help us understand our planet’s past as well as its future evolution–an essential element in designing effective adaptation and mitigation tools like insurance programs. The possibilities are indeed limitless!
Climate change is a complex, global problem that requires real-time data in order to build viable solutions. dClimate’s open, accessible, and accountable data gives businesses and individuals the leg up they need to make informed, climate-action strategies. From emissions tracking to sustainable energy management, dClimate’s use cases are essential components of our planet’s ecological future.
Some (but not all!) of the key use cases for the dClimate ecosystem can be found below:
Parametric Insurance

Parametric insurance products can help farmers and businesses manage a range of climate risks. Such products are especially useful in developing nations that are underserved by traditional insurers who don’t offer comprehensive protection against weather-related events.
Arbol, a leading climate-risk-solutions platform, is an anchor client for dClimate. Last year, Arbol transacted $175 million of risk, using the dClimate platform as a settlement base layer. Notably, 50% of Arbol’s clients hedged their weather risks for the first time, meaning the company’s solutions filled a gap in the market.
Check out a use case for how Arbol uses dClimate to cover smallholder farmers in Cambodia here and how it is being used by cotton gins in the U.S.
Parametric insurance is an ideal use case for end-to-end decentralization. Policies can be encoded as smart contracts that payout automatically when a triggering event (three inches of rainfall over a month as an example) occurs. The dClimate data network enables anyone to build decentralized, parametric-insurance policies using data.
Data Infrastructure for Scaling Global Carbon Markets

To unlock the potential of the voluntary carbon market (VCM), which is expected to reach a whopping $100 billion by 2050, data-driven forest management is essential. That’s why we’re leading the charge in powering next-generation dMRV solutions for bringing speed, scale, and transparency to the voluntary carbon market. Carbon financing and nature based projects can get accurate measurements of forestry health without compromising nature itself.
Stay tuned for an exciting announcement on that front!
Decentralized Science (DeSci)

Science is an inherently decentralized effort that relies on information that can be verified across time and different settings. dClimate aims to tear down the walls that stifle progress by connecting everyone from experienced academics and scientists, to independent researchers looking for their place in an open platform. By incentivizing new research and climate-focused product development, we are uniting hundreds of minds to tackle some of the most monumental challenges that humankind has faced.
Advanced Tooling and Analytics for Affected Industries

With the power of data analysis, dClimate is building a game-changer for coffee production risk management. It pulls global weather insights from 18+ countries and 150+ growing regions to give precise intelligence on Arabica & Robusta cycles making it easier than ever to assess the potential impact climate can have on your crop! Stay tuned for the launch of this application shortly!
Extreme weather costs billions annually. Indeed, it’s projected that 70% of businesses worldwide are, or will be affected by climate change. But industries can significantly mitigate their risks by using data-driven applications, tooling, and analytics that are tailored to weather.. That translates into time and money saved, not to mention lives.
Learn More and Get Involved Today
- Visit our Website, Blog, and REST API
- Read the dClimate Whitepaper
- Join the Community: Twitter | Discord | Telegram | LinkedIn | YouTube
List of Resources to Start Building Today: