dClimate Tech Update

Hey everyone! It’s been an exciting summer packed full of developments, so I wanted to take a second to give an update of what we have been working on:
- We finished the initial version of our marketplace dApp frontend (with Magic wallet integration) which sets the stage both for Desktop App support and a PWA for mobile. It’s also fully responsive and dark mode ready so you can browse datasets on your phone while being as energy efficient as possible.

- We have also been testing our contracts locally and will be deploying to testnet shortly in order to extensively test our Chainlink Node integrations for pay-gated content.
- Improving the resiliency of our IPFS Node infrastructure along with expanding our ETL pipelines to handle the massive datasets we have been ingesting.
- Researching Layer 2 scaling solutions
Looking ahead, we will be launching a revamped landing page/dClimate website, which I’m sure you will all love, in addition to opening the entire codebase so that the community can begin contributing.
If any of this interests you, and want to learn more about the decentralized and open climate data ecosystem we are building: